Our Story

Welcome to Journey in Ink! A space to find fun and purposeful essentials celebrating the little (or not-so-little) ones in your life. Journey in Ink is a motivational and inspirational brand created to ignite joy and purpose in kids through self-reflection while discovering who they are as they grow. We are focused on creating journals, planners, and other various stationery products to equip kids with the tools they need to spark creativity and build positive life skills all while having fun. 
When my daughter started journaling at 7 years old, I noticed how focused and organized she became. She was driven by her journal and felt a great sense of pride in what she kept in it. She would start the month with important goals and work hard to meet them. One month she didn't quite meet her goal and instead of disregarding it and moving on to a new goal or quitting, we worked together to jot down some ideas on how to reach that goal for the upcoming month. Creating a roadmap with regular check-ins helped her feel that her goals were attainable. It became apparent to me how important it is for kids to not only have goals but also create a plan/strategy to meet those goals. More importantly to remind our children to give themselves grace and encourage them to keep going despite any setback. Afterall, life happens and things don't have to be perfect to be enjoyable. 
The Brown Girl Bookworm series was born from a love for everything books, writing, and doodling. This was a special gift from my daughter, Angelina, to all the book lovin' brown girls like herself. This series was created exclusively for brown girls to help them feel empowered, motivated, and inspired.
Thank you for being a part of our journey!

